HSNS Request for Proposals

Update Dec 14th - extension of deadline submissions. Now due January 5, 2024. Notification date week of January 15, 2024. 


Hearing and Speech Nova Scotia (HSNS) is governed by a volunteer board of directors and is responsible for delivering hearing and speech services to Nova Scotians on behalf of the provincial government. 

There are 35 Hearing and Speech Nova Scotia sites across the province, creating a unique and comprehensive service delivery system.  Most centers are in or near community hospitals making service access convenient and ideal for universal newborn hearing screening.

HSNS is seeking tenders on audiological equipment that will be compatible with our electronic medical records system and current screening and diagnostic audiological equipment, specifically auditory evoked potential units.



This request for proposal is to meet the necessary equipment needs required to provide compatible electronic data transfer from any/all audiological equipment to our new client management software:

This tender calls for audiological equipment including:

  • Auditory Evoked Potential units (15)


Request for Proposals (RFP) Tender #2024-01